Open POSIX TestSuite parsing
The system can analyse a posixtestsuite directory
(what you get once you extract the downloaded archive)
and insert the description of this testsuite into the
database. It will automatically search for existing
assertions in the database in order not to duplicate
the data. It will also store every testcase as long as
there is a corresponding assertion.
Open POSIX TestSuite logfile parsing
Each run of the OPTS generates a logfile
file. The system reads this file and enters each
testcase status and associated log messages into
the database.
Database browsing
A simple interface provides a quick view of the
database content. One can easily add a new run,
browse an existing run or select two or more runs
for comparison.
Run details
The full content of a run can be displayed.
Additionnaly, one can choose to display the
log information of each test and/or to display
the assertion text the test refers to.
When the log information is not displayed inline,
an indication (log) shows when such information is
available for a testcase.
Testcase execution detail
By clicking on a test status, one can access a
page summarizing all the available information for
this testcase.
Runs comparison
When several runs are selected for comparison,
the results of each testcase appear on the same line
for each runs. A filter functions permits to show only
the differences, which is most of the time what one is
looking for.
When the detail of a run is displayed, as well as
when several runs are compared, general statistical
information is displayed (this is independent of the
filters applied).
In run browser mode, displayed results can be filtered
by each status (for example, show only segmentation faults,
do not show passing tests, etc...). Filtering by routines
domains (timers, mutexes, ...) support will be added soon.